Make Virtual Column Show in Google Sheet

I found an Inventory Management app that scans bar codes and am using it to learn on. In the app there is a Virtual Column called Current Stock that gets its number from Sales out / Inventory in, inputs. However that column only shows in the app. Is there a way to have that column display in the google table?

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Iโ€™m afraid thatโ€™s not possible. The virtual column is meant to work for calculations and it will work only with the devise.

If it helps at all, you can export your entire table to CSV and all columns will show in that spreadsheet. This would be done under reports.

You could also use an action to download a csv.

Hi @Shaboyagan You can add a normal column to your table and sheet and give it an app formula =[virtual column] and it will save to your sheet. If you hide the normal column in your app you wont have two columns the same and you will be able to see your calculated virtual column in the app. You could also use app or spreadsheet formulas that save on sync.

This looks like the answer that I would like to use. I added a column to my table and then in the app I made that column =[current stock] (That is my virtual column) However, it is not writing any data back to that column in the google table. I have made stock adjustments to test and then synced and the transaction shows on my โ€œsaleโ€ or โ€œpurchaseโ€ sheet but there is nothing writing to the โ€œIn stock nowโ€ column I created on my โ€œproductโ€ sheet.

Normal columns with an app formula, as suggested by @Lynn, will only be updated in the spreadsheet if the row itself is saved from a form or modified by an action, and the saved value will reflect the conditions at that time. There is no way to keep the spreadsheet updated with the real-time recalculated virtual column values.

Is there a way to use a bot/action to sync these values based on a form update/save?


Please remember that it will do that only, if you open and save that record.

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