Map Zoom level not "working" when there is more than one pin to show

Hi there,

I have this app that displays pins on a map regarding certain category or criteria.
For example, this view displays a table :

Clicking on the little map icon leads to this map showing all pins regarding the category.

An action triggers this behavior by using this expression :
LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW(โ€œCarteโ€, [Catรฉgorie] = [_THISROW].[Catรฉgorie])&"&_zoom=11"

As anyone can see, thereโ€™s an indication of the level of zoom I want the map to show up to. But that doesnโ€™t seem to work when there are multiple pins on the map (it works only when one pin shows up).
This is what I get:

And this is what I should get:

I think the โ€œmultiple pin on the map viewโ€ call, triggers some kind of middleware that calculates a barycenter point and adjust the zoom such as all the pins fits on the screen.

So my question is : is there a way to force the behavior to stick to the zoom level specified in the expression ?
Once again, this work perfectly well when there is only one pin to show up.

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Thank you for your attention.

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Did you figure out a solution for this problem?

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