Max Limit of Actions for a Table

Hello Guys! Hope you are doing fine.

Friends, would you please help me to be confirmed about the maximum limit of having "ACTION"s for a table as based on my estimation, one of my analysis table might have more than 150 actions. Please help me to know whether there is any implication on the performance. 



0 8 257

I would actually measure performance rather than base my assessment on a theory, which I entrust to experts for answers. Even then I would not be comfortable myself unless I do it before I release it to production anyway.

What I would be more concerned about, however, is the maintainability of your actions. 

No guarantees here, but sharing your use case might lead to the generation of ideas from  experts in this community to simplify your implementation.

Besides, I would be interested personally to see the use case for my own education.😁

Thanks a lot @TeeSee1 . Would you please read my reply to @Steve below and also requesting to share your critical view in this regard.


Platinum 4
Platinum 4

@shahappsheet wrote:

[...] one of my analysis table might have more than 150 actions.

Yikes! I can't help but think you're doing something wrong here. Why would your table need that many actions???

Yes, that number of actions would have an impact on performance,


Thanks a lot @Steve for your suggestions. Please find the layout below. I am generating different analytical presentation by data or by graph. Therefore, a lot of actions are involved. And there are several other detail UX   are also designed based on the same table. So this is the story. Please suggest me and waiting for your experienced comments.

Thanks and regards.





Do your users really want that many options?

Could you instead work those options into choices in your form?

Could you instead work those options into choices in your form?

Yes, Users Preference. Steve I couldn't understand above quoted statement clearly. Would you please elaborate. Are you asking me to use form UX instead of detail UX? Sorry I couldnt understand. 🙏


My two cents,,,

Since AppSheet is limited in giving end users the ability to customize reports by themselves, I see the dilemma you are facing. (though the user most likely end up using only a few reports...)

1) Your actions (linktoview I suppose) may take long to initially load but I do not believe they are not resource intensive individually. So I would just test it and see if it is feasible. If it takes too long then you can divide them up in some meaningful manner into different apps which you can still call from a single common menu. 

2) Implement the top 10 reports in AppSheet. The rest you can provide by some other means, i.e DataStudio, gSheet graphs off of a copy (importrange) of the data source..

3) As per Steve's suggestion, you could (I suppose) add more parameters in your detail UX and let users 'customize' reports. I believe this involves entering a rather complex filter condition in your slice and display expressions. May not be any simpler than what you have...


These are my immediate thoughts... (sorry, not much help from me.)😅

This app is multi user. I have tested from four different devices at a time and found no issue of performance at this time, so far. But since, @Steve expressed concern; So I am so concerned now. Let see how can I optimize further. Anyway, thanks a lot @TeeSee1 for your substantial thoughts. Wish to have all of your help in future as well.


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