Merge 2 map views


My app contains a "Persons" table and a "Pictures" table.

The "Persons" table contains various information about people (name, vignette, partner, children, ...) as well as "life events" stored in a dependent table. Life events are births and weddings with date and location. I have created a nice map view, which displays pinpoints for all these events, and which links back to the person.

The "Pictures" table contains an image per row, and various information about it (title, date, and location where it was taken). I have also created a nice map view, with pinpoints displaying where these pictures have been shot, and also displaying information about the pictures (title, date, etc...) when you hover.

But having 2 map views as primary views take too much space on the bottom of the screen. And also, from a user perspective, it would be more convenient to view this information on just one map. How can I merge this info into just one map view?

So far, I have created an additional tab (named "AllLocations") in google sheet, which merges location data from "Life events" and from "Pictures" into a single table. I can then create a map view which effectively displays all locations on a single map. But the issue then is that I can't manage references to parents which are sometimes persons, and sometimes pictures. Which means that my pinpoints can't display relevant information like person name, picture title, etc...

Is there any way in appsheet to display on just one map 2 different types of pinpoints, each referring to a different type of parent.


Any thought appreciated.



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Thanks Steve.

I just completely forgot about this option.

Simple and efficient.

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