Mesage Template


im trying to make action that will send pre-defined message to customer over WhatsApp. 

Problem im facing is when i try to substitute template message with customer specific information. I know that i need multiple substitute expressions. Problem for me is that SUBSTITUTE breaks formatting. 

does anyone have some ideas how to circle around this problem? 


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Platinum 4

I don't see why you'd need to use SUBSTITUTE().

How does SUBSTITUTE() break formatting?

Please post a screenshot of the entire expression you're using.

I have predefined message saved in LongText type field in Google sheet, this message is something like:

Hello <<Guest Name>>, 

in few days you will arrive at our <<Property>> for your vacation. Here is some final information before your arrival on <<Arrival>>.


so i need to substitute information in <<data>> with actual values i want to use. Because i might change some data later and dont want to have it hardcoded

Text formatting within a spreadsheet cell is entirely ignored by AppSheet. So, SUBSTITUTE() or not, the formatting will be lost.

Text formatting is not ignored as when i read text without SUBSTITUTE() i have predefined text and format in WhatApp

Is there option to Unicode text before passing it to SUBSTITUTE? 

@Petar_Blazevic wrote:

I know that i need multiple subs...

I'm not so sure about that


What formatting do you have in the text in your app that you're referring to? WhatsApp doesn't support formatted text anyway, although it does provide basic markup-based formatting.

Im talking about only basic next/new row formating


1. use: ENCODEURL()

2. then SUBSTITUTE() with url encoded values that will be substituded.

my example:

CONCATENATE("", [Contact uuid].[Phone No.],"&text=", SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(ENCODEURL(SELECT(Messages[English], ([Name] = "CheckIn"))), "%3C%3CArrival%3E%3E", TEXT([Arrival],"DD.MM.YYYY") ), "%3C%3CCheckInTime%3E%3E", TEXT([App Name].[Check In Time],"HH:MM") ), "%3C%3CSecurity%20Deposit%3E%3E", [App Name].[Security Deposit] ), "%3C%3CGoogle%20Map%20Link%3E%3E", [App Name].[Google Map Link] ), "%3C%3CGuest%20Name%3E%3E", [Contact uuid].[Guest Name] ), "%3C%3CApp%20Name%3E%3E", [App Name].[App Name] ))


So, apparently, you have a "messages" table, that's why you are using your own workaround (with SUBSTITUTE()) to make it work.

          "<<Security Deposit>>",[AppName].[SecurityDeposit]
        "<<Google Map Link>>",[AppName].[GoogleMapLink]
      "<<Guest Name>>",[Contactuuid].[GuestName]
    "<<App Name>>",[AppName].[AppName]

 Next time would be great to know this kind of details.

PS: It's not a bad idea though, just somewhat cumbersome

"<<Arrival>>" should be "%3C%3CArrival%3E%3E" due to ENCODEURL


What now i would love it that

Messages[English] could be dinamic depending on contact language. Example Messages[English] or Messages[German] 

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