Mobile device log data?


We have a few cases where users are sure that they have entered records through the application form, and had the data syncronized to the cloud without errors. Android Appsheet mobile applications have been used in these cases.

I haven't found any entries for these alleged records, even though I've carefully gone through the Appsheet - Monitor - Audit History logs

Is there any possibility to check what the mobile application has done and when, e.g. log data that would have been stored on the mobile device?

Thanks for your help in advance, Jani

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Hello there,

I had a similar issue once, since I was using google sheets as my database I used their version history in order to check the data along different months, in the end I didn't find any of the rows that were allegedly missing, but maybe you'll be able to find them this way.

The logs only have a limited amount of historic data unless you're on the enterprise plan I believe.

Hi Rafael,

Thanks for the answer and suggestion!

I can specify the case little: Users have made records through the forms with mobile devices on 10 April 2024 and 11 April 2024 and 12 April 2024. Synchronization has only run on April 12, 2024, before that date their devices has been offline. Users claim that they have made entries on three days, but after synchronization, the entries are only visible in the database on 10/04/2024 and 12/04/2024. All entries from April 11, 2024 are completely missing. I can't find any entries made on 11/04/2024 in the Appsheet logs, nor in the database, which the users claim to have made. So I thought, is there any log data on the mobile device itself, from which I could check that on April 11, 2024, users really made entries to the application via the form?

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