Modification of data

Bronze 1
Bronze 1

hello, i am having issue modifying data in my app sheet, i am unable to save once i am done making the changes and the save button is still greyed out. what am i not doing?

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Could you be confusing the Editor Save with saving in the app?  App buttons do not "grey out".   They are visible/not visible. 

In the case of Save in the app, it is always visible when you access an entry Form view.  Once tapped, validations are performed to confirm all required fields are filled in and all entered data is valid - all based on your app specifications.

Hi WillowMobille,

Hi Joseph,

Thanks for the reply.  I am new to appsheet and most likely I am confusing both 🤔.  I  am working on an assignment to modify and save, which I have been unable to do. 
I am not sure what  I am doing write or wrong. The save button is greyed out and it can turn blue. Are there 2 different save buttons? can you pls tell me where they are located? 
I need  to modify /  change details  and phone number and then click on save, but i have been unable to do it.

It will be better to post screenshots of what you are seeing and the problem you are experiencing please. Thank you.


That is a screenshot of the error. 

I have changed the name and the phone number, but I am not able to save it, as you can see at the top right hand, it is greyed out.

Thank you


I can guess you that you are talking about the AppSheet editor; I can relate because I used to have the same issue with the greyed-out Save button. 

If my guess is correct, then please see this community post:

Solved: App Editor Browser - Google Cloud Community  

Hi Joseph,
Thanks for the reply. Yes, i am new to appsheet and yes i am working on an
assignment to modify and save, which i have been unable to do.

I checked the community answers, but I didn't really see how to resolve the
problem. Are you saying it has to do with the browser I am using?


I had intended to include this image in my post from yesterday.  I must accidently removed it before posting.

It seems like you are confusing Developer App Editing saves versus User App Entry Saves.  See post above to explain image below.


Screen Shot 2022-03-28 at 5.48.21 PM.png

Thank you

I was finally able to save. i had to play around , tough, bit i am gald i
got it done. i had to go to UI and i was able to make the changed and the
save turned blue and then i could save.

Thank you again for your time.
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