Most Efficient Way to Record Events

I have a sheet that records the status of assets. For example:

[Asset 1] [Signed Out] [Tom Smith]

[Asset 2] [Signed Out] [Amy Jones]

These may change multiple times in a day.

What I need is to set up a log on a separate sheet that records when these changes chronologically. I have attempted to use a bot for this but it tells me the bot needs to operate on the same table, so will not work.

What would be the most efficient way to achieve a reliable, automatic changelog?

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You have to approach it the other way round. You should begin by having a table logging the movements of assets, this should be your input form. Afterwards, bot actions would update the status of your assets. 

I can adapt it to be either way I think, that should be easy enough. I'm just struggling to update one sheet from another as the bot won't allow it.

You can monitor changes in one sheet and update other sheets accordingly with bots. But, for this particular purpose of yours, this is the advice I would give you. 

I'll leave it to others who might want to kindly give you a different approach. 

I managed to get it working with a bot, in the end, thank you.

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