Move or Copy function

I use excel to log data for my job.  I create a workbook for a well I am monitoring and name it after the well.  Withing this workbook I create a worksheet for a specific day and I log information hourly for a full 24 hour day.  Then I use the "move/copy" function to create a new worksheet for the new day.  These workbooks can be anywhere from 21 worksheets to over 200 worksheets depending on the length of the job.  

My question: is it possible to use appsheet to create an app that will work this same way from the "Master" worksheet with my formulas?  Again I am just copying this "Master" worksheet many times over for each new day that I am on a specific job.

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Yes, AppSheet is perfect for this task, and you won't have to maintain so many files/sheets . 

@TexasGoon wrote:

is it possible to use appsheet to create an app that will work this same way from the "Master" worksheet with my formulas?

The short answer is "yes". 

You could likely use your data sheets as they are with minimal changes - formulas and all.  BUT, for future business growth, I would NOT recommend it.  If you are considering moving to an app, now would be the time to re-organize things to take full advantage of the potential that an app will give a business.

Any app, not just AppSheet,  wouldn't physically structure the data into sheets by day.  The sheets would be organized like a database.  Then views are created inside of the app to allow you to look at the data the way you need. 

The current sheet formulas would be moved into AppSheet to afford the same level of automated updates upon data entry.

You are obviously already feeling the "pain" of having to manually manage the data.  With an app you won't have to do that anymore!  With AppSheet, you will have great flexibility over how you collect, view and send the data.  You won't go wrong moving to an AppSheet app. 

Regardless of the underlying data structure that wouldn’t be useful to the end user, if that user still want to generate those sheets, he can still download the filtered views on a daily basis or automate this task via the app templates. 

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