Multi-Language on Data

Hello everyone, 

I would like to create an appplication in multiple languages. Thanks to the Multi-Language Start App , I could customize the languages for the UX interface data. 

However I would like to also change the languages for the icon titles in a menu view depending on the USERSETTINGS. Here below is an example of what I would like to change for a GALLERY VIEW  : 


The names of these icons are from the table source.

Does someone have any solutions to the problem ? How to change the languages of these tiltes, knowing that it's come from the data source ? 

Thanks in advance ! 

0 6 201

If those text values are in a column, then create another column with an App formula that replaces the source text with the translated text. It could be a virtual column. If you need to account for lots of distinct values in the source text or lots of different languages, it's probably worth creating an additional table for the purpose.

If those text values are part of the images themselves, then either need alternate images or, if they're .svg format, you could potentially manipulate the underlying XML string to replace the text using the SUBSTITUTE function.

Here's a rudimentary version assuming the text values are in a column named [Source text].

IFS([Source text] = "Add", 
USERSETTINGS("Language") = "es", "{Spanish text for 'Add'}", 
USERSETTINGS("Language") = "de", "{German text for 'Add'}"
IFS([Source text] = "Edit", 
USERSETTINGS("Language") = "es", "{Spanish text for 'Edit'}", 
USERSETTINGS("Language") = "de", "{German text for 'Edit'}"


Hi dbaum, 

Thank you for your answer ! 

Yes the text values are in a column from the spreadsheet table, however I tried to create a virtual column and apply the formula you shared but the cells of the source text are not getting replaced by the new values .... I don't know why, even with the function SUBSTITUTE() ... 

Just to be sure, is it on the "Formula" column of the data section where the formula must be applied ? 

You might want to confirm that the text is indeed coming from the source you assume. You could revise "Add" and "Edit' in the source spreadsheet to something like "Add (test)" and "Edit (test)"; if your revised values don't appear in the view, then those terms are coming from somewhere else.

Beyond that type of troubleshooting, I suggest share some more screenshots--this time from the app editor to show your configuration of details like:

  • The columns included in the view whose screenshot you included in your original post
  • The virtual column you created to calculate the translated terms

When I change the value of the spreadsheet, it works in the application. But I don't know how to change dynamically these cells... Here are some screenshots to help you better understand my trouble : 




Tell me if you need more information ! 

One issue is that the argument within the USERSETTINGS function needs to be enclosed in quotes. Another is that you need to enable the [Test] column's Show property.

If that doesn't resolve the issue, the next detail to confirm is whether your view is actually configured to display the [Test] column or the original [Icon Name] column.

Thank you very much dbaum for your answer ! I'll try it asap 

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