Multi icon selection inside a view with submit button


Hi Experts ,

I want to create a view exactly like this where user can select or multi select the icons / images . There will be a save/submit button below. Once user select icon(s) and click on submit he/she will see a new view with some message and an email will be triggered based on the selection .

Please help me configure this data sets in excel and how can i create a view like this .

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As mentioned,  please add images in the root folder of the app. So if you have an enum option as check.png, then an image "check.png" needs to be available in the app's root folder.


View solution in original post


You could have images ( Icons)  in app's root folder and include them as enum/enumlist options.

Please take a look at the sample app below. The sample app has just one enum. You could have several. However AppSheet UI/UX options are in general limited. So even though you could replicate the functionality , the look and feel and user experience may not be as good as in the example you have shown.

Images in buttons

Please ensure you set the following setting to off or images may not render in the enum. of course please evaluate your app's security needs while making this setting.




Hi @Suvrutt_Gurjar !

Btw, I have never had the need to turn off that option if the path to the image is relative to the worksheet, similar to how images or file uploaded through the app are saved

Okay, thank you  @SkrOYC .

In this case, images are directly uploaded in the G drive folder and referred in enum option.

Sure, if they are accesible from the worksheet pov, you should point to them using a relative path.

The same we do to access files made through bot

I have one question , how can i add images (path) to my options for enum / enum list . I do not want to add simple text . 

As mentioned,  please add images in the root folder of the app. So if you have an enum option as check.png, then an image "check.png" needs to be available in the app's root folder.


Ok will try this for sure , Thanks 

Hi @rahuldash171 ,

So it will be something like below.

In the app's form view, enum will look like this


The enum button settings are as below


The app's root folder looks like below



Hi @Suvrutt_Gurjar ,

I tried the steps mentioned by you . But in my app image icons are coming as text although i have uploaded the images in app's root folder .Please view the attached screenshots . Please suggest if i am missing something .







Could you check what is the base type of the enum please?

Image only




I have disabled this setting also .


Then it could be to do with image sharing permissions. Also hope the backend sheet is in the same folders as the images.

Or it could be the following. Please wait for some time. Yesterday for me also the images appeared after sometime.


However would appreciate if you post finally it worked for you or not. This long thread then will help someone with similar requirement. Thank you.


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