(Multipage Form) is it possible to save before reaching to the last page of the form.

I am new to Appsheet.  

I am using a form to input data in a table with about 30 columns to store field data tests results. (There are 5 types of tests and each has about 5 result columns) Each row in the table represents a site visit to a construction site, and during each visit, more than one test may need to be performed (The test required depends on the site condition on the date of the visit - so I do not know what test they will perform on a given day).   I am trying to have the input information in one form for usability during the site visit - Please let me know if there is a better approach. 

To organize the input field in the form I used Multi-Page forms to separate the data of each test. However, now I have to scroll through all 5 pages to field before I can save the information. 




1) Is there a way to avoid having to scroll through all the pages before saving the information. 

2) Is there a way to only show the pages of the test required on the day of the visit?  ( I am of using an enum list column that shows buttons for each test available. I the test input page in the form is only selected if the test is required that day).

--hope this makes sense to the readers... 


Any idea or suggestions is welcome... 




In some 





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According to this show-if setting of show columns can be used to control the visibility of form pages, although I haven't tried it myself.

I haven't been able to find a way to skip a form to save.



Thank you for your response.  Will try and report back... 



Did you find a solution mate? I'm having the same issue. I have 36 pages and it's not practical to scroll through every one of them just to save the form.

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