Multiple Item Readings on One Entry

I'm trying to create an app for entering readings and comments on items.

I would like to retain the ability for user to add/remove/edit items but also be able to enter readings and comments for all items on a site on one form entry.


As far as I can tell the only way for me to do this is pivot my item rows into columns which appsheet does not like, and I'm stumped on how I could keep these columns 'dynamic' with what location is selected.

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Items table is going to be a parent for the comments table.

You can make your Items table as Read Only while the comments table can be any combination of the 4 CRUD ones

Would this then let me select a location to inspect and then pull up a form view of all items associated with that location?

I'm trying to minimize the number of clicks/taps required for someone to inspect every item at a given location, as most times they will inspect everything there in one go.

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