Multiple Language Survey


Right now, I am using Google Form to do this:

- Customer can select language
- Based on the language they have selected, the next page will show all fields they can fillout in their langauge.
- Submit the form
- A few scripts is then handling their formsubmission in the background

I have some issues with Google Form, e.g. how time selection is displayed (Not very user-friendly), and whenever the form has been submitted, it's not possible to autoreload the form so it's ready for the next customer to fill out (You have to click a link to reload the form)

I was therefor wondering if I could use Appsheet to do what I want? I am absoulutely new to Appsheet, so please bear with me ๐Ÿ™‚

The survey is running on a tablet in a public place, so the 'form' needs to be reloaded each time somebody has submitted the form. And ofcourse, after a submission and the reload, the first page that needs to be shown is the: Select your prefered langauge.

The customers using this form is most of the time NOT technical, so it has to be as friendly as possible.
It is Truck Drivers from all different countries, some speak english, some only their own langauge.

Hope this is possible.
All the best

0 10 303

Yes, what you are trying to achieve can be easily implemented using Appsheet and the Form can be automatically reopened for the next user after submission. I shall try to make a sample app if possible.

Hi jyothis_m,

Thank you very much. Yes if you dont mind that would be really awesome if you could make a sample app.
Most important would be the 'Select Language' - I dont know where to start. If I should use virtual columns for that or.. Yeah I am confused ๐Ÿ™‚

I am looking forward to see an example ๐Ÿ™‚ 

Thank you in advance!
All the best

Here is the SAMPLE APP


Wow, thank you jyothis_m

Really great.
I have one question though. 
The customers can choose between 11 languages.
So if I do it like in your example, they will have to scroll a bit down before they come to the actual questions.

Would it be possible to add all 11 langauges like buttons (Just like you do), and when they click one of the buttons, they will go to some kind of 'Next page' showing the questions in the selected language?

If not possible, I will try go with your solution.
Really really thank you a lot mate!

That's completely possible. But right now I don't have access to system. You can try editing my sample app to add more languages in the ENUM Type Column LANGUAGE. If you want to add 11 languages then better to go for dropdown instead of button. Just explore yourself and a little googling will lead you to what you are trying to achieve. Feel free to ask if you are stuck somewhere. 

Hi @Surdusvacca Please check the Sample App now.

1. I have added some 11 Languages

2. Improved the app using Googletranslate() function of googlesheets to make it Dynamic. No need of manual translation.

3. Added a LANGUAGE Menu in Left Side โ€ƒMenu to add new languages to the list. Just add a new language say "Hindi" and the questions will be automatically translated to the new language without any action from your end.




HI @jyothis_m 

Yes, I ended up doing the same as you do now in your new example with the enum list.
I added all languages like this:

"ฤŒesky","Referenฤnรญ ฤรญslo",
"Dansk","Reference nummer",
"English","Reference number
bla bla bla
bla bla bla")

Maybe later I will do it same way as you do now ๐Ÿ™‚

But I have another question if okay?

Let me explain:
Before when I was using Google Form, each time someone submitted the form, the date and time was always added to Google Sheet. Even if the form had been open for like 2-3 hours, it still added the date and time from the moment the 'Save' button was clicked.

At first in the Appsheet, I had a column with 'Date/time' set with Now(), but this Date/time was registered when the form was opened. Therefore, if the form had been open for 2-3 hours because no customers used the tablet, the timestamp was also 2-3 hours behind.

Right now, I have added a Behavior that inserts the date/time Now(), and added that behavior to the Save-form button.

It works as intended. But from here I have some weird things happening sometimes.

In the UX - Primary view, I am using this: 'Finish View = sheetname_Form"
- 8 out 10 times it re-opens the form again as it should do, ready for a new submission after hitting the save button. But why not 10 out of 10? I dont get it? And also, when it does not re-open the form, it just shows an empty screen with the 'Form' at the bottom which you can click to open the Form, but even worse, when this happens with the blank screen, the date/time is not inserted into google sheet. 
I dont get it. I cannot figure out what is causing this. There is no pattern. 

I need to have the exact date/time registration when someone hits the Save button.
What is the best way to do that?

If the method I am using right now, with the behavior adding date/time when Save button is clicked is not working 100% of the time, I need to do something else ๐Ÿ˜•

I have been thinking about doing something like this:
Removing the behavior action from the save button again, and somehow, after each form has been submitted, then just show a picture and a button ala  'Open form' and then use the timestamp from when the 'Open form' was clicked. But how can I do that? Will I have to add a new table in google sheet, insert a picture, and then create a new View pointing to that sheet when ever the Save button is clicked?
Yes, I know, if someone clicks the 'Open Form' without doing more and leaves the tablet, the next customer will get the wrong timestamp.

Soo... aaaaaah.. Frustrated ๐Ÿ˜„
How can I make 1000% sure always to have the timestamp exactly when the form is submitted?

all the best

For the timestamp part it is better to do it with AUTOMATION. You can easily create an Automation to add the timestamp when the form is submitted so that the timestamp will be the actual time of form saving and not form opening. I think this is what you want. Right?

I have updated the sample app. The Automation will not work in sample app as data cannot be saved in a sample app. You can copy the app and see if needed.

Will test it and see if that is what we need. Thanks a lot ๐Ÿ™‚

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