Multiple Territories for Service: Multiple worksheets vs. combining worksheets

I am making an app for my service techs to use. We have 4 territories and I currently have separate worksheets for each territories open jobs and field service reports. I created an action/button to "Complete w/FSR" where it takes them to a form that automatically fills the corresponding job info from a wksht then saves it to a different one (LINKTOFORM("FSRs Central", "Facility", [Facility], "Job Type", [Job Type], "Est#", [Est#], "Customer PO#/Approval", [Customer PO#/Approval])). Since I have 4 separate wkshts I had to create 4 actions. The action name for the additional 3 just has the 2, 3, 4 added to the end. But the Display name is the same for all 4. The first action I created works great but when I test it on the other 3 territories (click the button) its switches to the next screen but no form or anything, just blank. Why dont my additional 3 work?

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So I realize I asked two questions in this.... 1- I meant to ask if I should combine my territory worksheets or leave them separate. and 2-why doesn't my additional actions work.

@lstephens wrote:

I meant to ask if I should combine my territory worksheets or leave them separate.



You should use one table, just add another column to dictate if that row is from territory 1, 2, 3 or 4

Great, thank you. 

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