Multiple "row selected" event actions to edit and go to another view when save button is pressed

Hi Appsheet community

I would like to find a way to let users navigate from a deck view to a form and after pressing the save button get navigated to the desired view. I was wondering if anyone knows a workaround for this. 

So the first part which is navigating from deck to form view is done. The problem is when a user saves the information on the form gets back on the deck view and does not go to the desired view. I made a behavior and linktoview however, I cannot combine it with "Row Selected" edit event action successfully.


To elaborate I designed a simple visitor sign-in sign-out app.

  • To sign in user, navigate through starting view (gallery view) called main menu to sign in. Then fill up the form and get navigated automatically to main view as I selected finish view to be main menu.


So, the output of this process is a stack of people's name in sign out view


  • Problem to be solved: in sign-out process, the user must get navigated back to the main menu after saving the required information.

At the moment when the user finishes data entry in sign out, stays in sign out view and not going to the main menu. I made a deep link (linktoview), however, it is not successful.

I appreciate your help on this matter.

Solved Solved
0 2 211
  • UX

Hi TeeSeee,

Thanks for the reply. The view for sign out is a deck view. I made another UX with a form view. And, I solved the problem by changing the deep link to LINKTOROW([_RowNumber], "Sign out edit") instead of using Linktoview("Main Menu").

Thanks again for your time. 

View solution in original post


Have you tried setting the Finish view of your FORM view?

Hi TeeSeee,

Thanks for the reply. The view for sign out is a deck view. I made another UX with a form view. And, I solved the problem by changing the deep link to LINKTOROW([_RowNumber], "Sign out edit") instead of using Linktoview("Main Menu").

Thanks again for your time. 

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