My chart label displays a comma separator instead of "/" slash character

I have an Enumlist field called "Build Type" and allows the user to multi-select an item and use "/" as a separator in my setup. It saves correctly like "DPS/Support" as Text in the table.

Whenever I create a chart using the Build Type field, it picks up the values in the chart replacing "/" with (comma) in the view (see screenshot). In which, when I click the item in the chart that has multiple values such as "DPS,Support", it does not show any record in the next page. However, when I select "DPS" which is a single value, it shows all records with Build Type = DBS on the view. I think the reason why its not picking up its because the chart displays "DPS,Support" where my table has "DPS/Support" so its not matching. 

I even change the Separator from "/" to "," in the settings and change all my rows (Build Type) too with commas instead of slashes.

Please help and thanks in advance!




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If understanding of your requirement is correct, please create a virtual column called say [Build_Type_V] in your table with an expression something like 

SUBSTITUTE(CONCATENATE([Build Type]),"," ,"/")

Now please base your histogram chart on this virtual column [Build_Type_V]

View solution in original post


If understanding of your requirement is correct, please create a virtual column called say [Build_Type_V] in your table with an expression something like 

SUBSTITUTE(CONCATENATE([Build Type]),"," ,"/")

Now please base your histogram chart on this virtual column [Build_Type_V]

Thanks! I will try this today and update here.

This works! Thanks!

You are welcome. Thank you for the update. Good to know it works per your requirement.

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