Need to show action button disabled

I have an app where placement of action buttons needs to be consistent regardless of state. In a detail view, I would like to display prominently 3 buttons always in the same position but I need the ability to disable one or more of the buttons when a condition is met.

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Suppose you have an existing action called (e.g.) DoSomething that may be disabled, but you still want it shown. Disable it as normal using the action’s Only if this condition is true property. Set the action’s prominence to Do not display.

Create another action called (e.g.) DoNothingWrapper of type Grouped: execute a sequence of actions with only a single action, DoSomething. Set the prominence as the DoSomething action was set originally. Set the Only if this condition is true property to TRUE. This action will always display, but the action it invokes won’t be performed if that action is disabled.

Optionally create a format rule to adjust the display of DoSomethingWrapper to indicate enabled/disabled.

This will do the trick I do believe. Thanks a lot Steve.

Thanks for explaining this approach. For others landing here, a response from @MultiTech to the Show disabled action button feature idea pointed out that you can also create a substitute action (e.g., provide user with guidance via a confirmation message; send user to an external help article) that runs when the main action is disabled. That could presumably be combined with @Steve's good suggestion here--i.e., the wrapper action groups 2 other actions, each of which is active only under opposite conditions.

@Bellave_Jayaram Another way depending what your action is doing… for example if that action is writing a value to a column, you could write the same value when the action should be disabled. Like IF(Condition,New Value,[Value]). If that action should open a new view when it’s enabled, you could open the same detail view when it’s disabled. So… it depends what your action is doing.

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