Need to slice table to return first false

I have a table with TV series, season, episodes, titles, and whether watched or not. I would like to write a filter that gives me the 1st not watched episode in a series. I have tried:

TOP(FILTER(Shows,[Watched] <> true),1)

and get the error The expression is valid but its result type 'List' is not one of the expected types: Yes/No

Thank you in advance for any help you can help.

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Hi ,

By [key column], it means whatever column is marked as key column in your  " Shows" table.

It sounds that [ID] is key column on your table. If so  please try an expression of

[ID] = MINROW("Shows","_ROWNUMBER",AND([Series]=[_THISROW].[Series],[Season]=[_THISROW].[Season],NOT([Watched])))

I am replying from mobile, so coukd not properly see the table image shared by you.


View solution in original post


TOP() returns a list. Also slice filter expects an expression that evaluates for each row and results in TRUE or FALSE

You may want to try something like 

[Key column] = MINROW("Shows", "_ROWNUMBER", AND( [TV Series]=[_THISROW].[TV Series], [Season]=[_THISROW].[Season], NOT([Watched])))

You definition of "1st" is not clear. The suggested expression assumes the episodes are listed  chronologically in rows, meaning episode 1 in row 5 , episode 2 in row 6, episode 3 in row 7 for the same series and season.



my data sheetmy data sheet

 Thank you. I did try what you suggested and it gave an error regarding [Key column] so I removed it and tried:


and received this error:

The expression is valid but its result type 'Ref' is not one of the expected types: Yes/No

Hi ,

By [key column], it means whatever column is marked as key column in your  " Shows" table.

It sounds that [ID] is key column on your table. If so  please try an expression of

[ID] = MINROW("Shows","_ROWNUMBER",AND([Series]=[_THISROW].[Series],[Season]=[_THISROW].[Season],NOT([Watched])))

I am replying from mobile, so coukd not properly see the table image shared by you.


Thank you so much! I greatly appreciate your assistance.

I removed Season because I only want the current season being watched. I learned much. Thank you again.

You are welcome. 

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