New Bug Encountered: Copying Action that sets values removes column row in copy even if column exists

Very small bug.

I have noticed for a while now, when I copy an Action of type “Data: set the values of some columns in this row”, the first column name in the copy is always removed - even when the column name does exist in the copied to table.

Example of Action to Copy From

Result when the copy is made - the first column name in “Set these columns” has been removed

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Thank you for your feedback @WillowMobileSystems. It looks like you’re experiencing this on a desktop. Have you by chance encountered this on mobile?

Jennifer, Hi!

This is an issue within the AppSheet Editor itself. Not with a built application.

If you asking if I have tried this with the editor on a mobile device - no I have not. I normally use my laptop to edit the applications.

I will try on a mobile device to see if the behavior is different.

I have tried editing my app from both an iPad and an iPhone by copying an Action as described above. In both devices I experienced the same problem as on the laptop. When copying the Action, the first column to be set with a value is removed in the copy.

I hope this helps

This helps greatly. Thank you for the follow up @WillowMobileSystems!

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