New Bug Encountered: Inline Actions dissappeared

I have a small selection of inline actions that will no longer appear on the app, I checked this on mobile, tablet and desktop devices? I noticed they were not appearing from this morning.

Is anyone else having a similar issue with their actions?

Solved Solved
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HI all, for anyone interested I have finally got to the bottom of the issue. Very small oversight as per usual.

I have always created columns in my spreadsheet that acted as the inline action - empty columns in the spreadsheet that I used as โ€œshowโ€ columns to attach actions to. This has been working for the past 4 months give or take but up until this last week the actions disppeared.

Apparently all I needed to do was change the column attached to the action to a text type, not show? I am not specifically sure why this has only caused issue from last week and not when I started doing this but glad I have sorted the issue.

Hope this helps anyone else with this issue, attach inline actions to a TEXT type column

View solution in original post


Hi @Sarah_Keown I just checked my App with inline actions and they are still there.

Do you mean inline Actions in Table View or in Deck View?
Because in Deck View the disabled the Inline Actions:

The Inline Actions in deck view work just as before.
Just make sure you make them available from your inline view actions list, and have the actions appearance set to Display Inline or Prominently.

So what I did was to also make an action that takes me to where that Group By Title should have taken me before. Itโ€™s not as intuitive, but once the User knows about it, the functionality is there.

Could you post a screenshot?

So, these are Tasks, Grouped by Objects. So the Title is the Object that contains and lists all the asociated tasks.
What I did is that in each task now, you have an action, that when clicked, takes you to the Object that contains that task, and all users know this.
Also the Icon for that - the cube, is used throughout the app only in things related to Objects, so that things stay clear and a bit more intuitive for the Users.

Hi all, thank you for your response. I have been in touch with appsheet support about this and I think its because of user permissions that the actions have stopped appearing. I had a user table that had a concatenated key with the name, role and type. And the permissions where checked using a current user slice holding the current logged in user email, but the expression for each action where restricting the users by their role. However because the role was included as a key changes made to the spreadsheet around that time have obviously caused them to become displaced. Trying to fix this asap but still havent got anywhere yet.

Actions still are not appearing after changing the key, deleting and re adding the user table and deleting and re adding changed rows again. When I go to the โ€œView Dataโ€ for the user tbl everything seems in order but still no actions appeared. I have even noticed they have disappeared in working copies of the app or other apps unrelated to the data I changed. Support have told me making changes to the key has caused issue as each key should be unique and unchanged through its lifetime.

Hoping that when I get time, when users are not on the app I can go back and tyr and add a unique id to each row and make it the key from now on.

Thank you all for your input, if anyone else is interested I can keep updating what support feedback I get.

Interesting, thanks for the follow_up.

HI all, for anyone interested I have finally got to the bottom of the issue. Very small oversight as per usual.

I have always created columns in my spreadsheet that acted as the inline action - empty columns in the spreadsheet that I used as โ€œshowโ€ columns to attach actions to. This has been working for the past 4 months give or take but up until this last week the actions disppeared.

Apparently all I needed to do was change the column attached to the action to a text type, not show? I am not specifically sure why this has only caused issue from last week and not when I started doing this but glad I have sorted the issue.

Hope this helps anyone else with this issue, attach inline actions to a TEXT type column

Thank you very much @Sarah_Keown for letting us know.
You could add the Actions also to the Key column or to the _RowNumber column. So you donโ€™t have to add an empty row. The column has to have a Show? expression

@Sarah_Keown I have several tables with Inline Actions and they see to be appearing ok for me.


In case you havenโ€™t realized it yet, Inline Actions will NOT appear on Forms.
(The dots you see in the Products table has been submitted as a bug)


Have you made any changes to the app this morning that might have caused the Inline Actions to be displaced somehow?

Ran into this issue today. Really - the "Attach to column" dropdown should only list columns of type TEXT if other types are not supported. ๐Ÿ˜ž
Thank you for posting this solution.

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