New Bug Encountered: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

Hello, could someone help me, I get this error but I do not understand why, update the fields of a view and then this message appeared

0 8 644

Iโ€™ve found this before when Iโ€™m missing some piece of syntax or something inside a workflow; a comma, period, parentheses, etc.

Iโ€™m getting this in several of my Apps too. Started happening about 1 hr ago. UK time.

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Please contact for help with this.

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Apparently due to a bug in a deployment today that has since been reverted. Should be working now, as I understand it.

It is correct and it is working correctly in my case, Thanks

yes, working now ok, thanks

Btw, anytime you see that, it is a bug on OUR (i.e. AppSheetโ€™s) platform, not an error you make. There is nothing you should be able to do that creates that โ€œobject referenceโ€ message. anytime you see that, please report it to us. Thanks

We were able to redeploy our changes later in the day with this issue resolved. Thanks for flagging it and sorry for the disruption.

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