New Bug Encountered: Quick Edits no longer show pending update count on Detail View

Before recent changes, when columns were enabled for Quick Edit, they would show the pending updates immediately next to the Sync button on the Detail view. This no longer happens. The updates ARE made but to see the pending count you have to take an additional user action such as clicking on one of the buttons at the top of the view or navigate to another view.

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And currently, they are auto-syncing immediately which slows everything down. I can’t find any options to control this behavior at all. I don’t even need these quick edits to save at all really. I’m only using them as dropdown options on a detail view to then auto-fill an order form.

I believe that was the original intent of the Quick Edits. A way of providing users the capability to quickly change a value without needing to go into FULL edit mode. This prevents manual errors when someone changes the wrong field or inadvertently changes a field they didn’t intend to. Also, I see it as a way to provide a larger user base capability to edit just a few fields while FULL edit capability is reserved for only a chosen few.

The way in which you are using the capability sounds more like a Feature Enhancement. I would suggest submitting one so AppSheet can consider a feature that better suites your needs.

As for slow down, I am not noticing any but haven’t really focused on that much. The way in which you are using QuickEdits is obviously contributing. Maybe there is a better way to achieve the results you want?

Perhaps I am. Basically it’s a menu system to look at all the options for sale. I originally had options like sizes for each item in a stylized bulleted list I found from someone else on here. But I ultimately decided I didn’t like that layout, but I still want a decent way of showing what these options are before you open the form to start an order. Dropdowns on a detail view are one of the nicest looking ways to have it. I’m just not sure there is any other way to get the dropdown on the detail view.

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