New Bug Encountered: maps not loading if app is opened via a shortcut

Everything was working fine for a while but now the maps will periodically not load. It seems that if I open the app directly from a shortcut on my home screen, the maps will not load. It’s blank. But if I go the long route and open AppSheet, then go to my apps, then open the app, the maps will fine. My maps are all viewed through a dashboard. Dashboard is not interactive. I did not test map views in the main menu. Again, this just started happening. Everything was working fine before.

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Do you have internet connection while opening the App via Shortcut or are you offline?

I’m connected to the internet. Don’t know why, but maps just always seem to be glitchy. Sometimes they work, sometimes not.

Please contact for help with this.

I am experiencing the same thing. Was there any resolution on the matter?

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