New chart REF ERROR

I have made a chart for the dashboard. REF to both charts but still the show is happening in the side menu. Showing in dashboard but I want to hide from side menu.


side menuside menu

1 9 223

I too experience this new behavior that is causing me saving issues on already-created apps.


I had a view using the new charts that was set to rightmost position. This worked without issue when I made it about a month ago. Now, when saving that app, the changes will not save and the position on that new chart view is changed to 'Menu'. Clicking save again properly saves the other changes to the app, along with menu as the position setting for any view using new charts.


The only position setting for new charts that successfully saves now is 'Menu'. This only affects all charts made with the new chart system as regular charts and every other view type seems unaffected.

Platinum 4
Platinum 4


Platinum 4
Platinum 4

The chart editor in preview is no longer being developed and bugs are not being fixed.

@Joseph_Seddik @Marc_Dillon @SkrOYC @TeeSee1 @WillowMobileSys @Koichi_Tsuji 

Sad but I can tell that it seems the case.

You can notice how the AppScript stuff was added on preview and launched on a record time while the new charts are on preview since last year

Ah that's a pity ๐Ÿ˜ž Thank you @Steve..

Back to Data Studio!

With the leaked upcoming integration with DataStudio from a couple weeks ago, and now this cancellation of new charts, maybe we can also expect to eventually be able to view GDS Reports directly in the app? That would certainly make me a happy camper.


All of my feedbacks I made were now in vain...... ๐Ÿ˜ฅ



Yup. ๐Ÿ™

Wow, didn't know about this leak! That would make us two ๐Ÿ™‚

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