New option disappears if there is a Valid if expression used

Iโ€™m having a problem using Valid If expressions in a EnumList referencing another table.

I would like to restrict the data that the user sees via the EnumList to avoid user confusion. However, any expression I enter into the Valid If removes the option to add new data.

The user needs to be able to add new data.

The Valid if expression uses data the user enters to restrict choices, so I havenโ€™t been able to do this via a slice. I have the Allow other values option ticked, but it makes no difference.

Any suggestions would really help.

0 7 150

Move the valid if expression to suggested values?

I have tried that. It just adds on the suggested values. The ones I donโ€™t want are sill there. But the โ€œNewโ€ option does remain.

Did you uncheck this with it?

No suggestions at all now. But it is an improvement! Thanks!

Didnโ€™t remember at first, but now I have a faint memory of trying to do exactly what youโ€™re doing, unfortunately it ended in me deciding it was impossible. But I canโ€™t be sure.

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Please describe what you want in terms of the user experience.

I am making an inspection app. The desirable behavior would be for the app to be able to remember the items inspected at the was inspection, and to be able to offer those as item labels for the current inspection.

At the moment I have the choice of no labels offered, or every item label from every site inspected, which is a little overwhelming.

I was using the valid if field to limit items, based on the site the user enters on the form. But the ability to add new items disappears.

Any help would really improve user experience.

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