Not working formula

god nigth, sorry for my english, im beging for help, my formula is not working, i made a test and the result is ok CAMION 1, but in the data base this result is not writting, i dont why is this happening, it is from an action to copy child and parente table.


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In your screenshot of the expression results, the column values may simply be the pre-expression values for reference. Have you confirmed whether the values indeed get saved to the data source?

The first two rows are the ones that I am copying, as you can see if they are saved, also in the spreadsheet correctly, the problem is that when copying them I put that formula in the [Sucursal] column, so that it is changed and doing the test correctly gives the value I want, but it does not appear in the spreadsheet

One helpful troubleshooting technique is to confirm whether the value is actually saved to the data source, but perhaps then overwritten. For example, in Google Sheets, you can show a cell's edit history.

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