Offer app users multiple view types


For any view, I can specify a single view type - table, card, deck, ... The different view types work well for different tasks. The point is that a particular view can be of a specific type, and the users of my app do not have a choice to switch the type. 

How can I enable multiple view types per view? I want users to be able to switch between card, deck, and table type depending on their preference and task at hand. 


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  • UX


It is possible, the way I see it you should create different views for the same data and they need to be a ref view so your users won't be able to access them.

Then you create some actions of linktoview so that your user will navigate in the app to the view you created. If you want you can create an enum column with the view names and only one action, so that your user will choose, for example, Form and depending on their choice they will go to one specific views I don't know if I made myself clear. 

Hi @peterson. Thanks. I kind of understand what you mean, but I do not know how to accomplish that. Anyway, I think that it is a hack.

I can create several slices for one table, then create a menu navigation view for each slice. Then I can include these new views in the navigation. It looks wierd and clumsy, and no filtering and sorting will be remembered when the views are switched.

I can create reference views for the slices, but then I do not know what to do with these views. How do I call a reference view from a main navigation view?

I can use LINKTOVIEW() to create a custom action for a slice, but this custom action is available on record level, not on menu level. I do not know how to use it.

I do not see how creating an enum column in the entity will help. That column will specify values for each record, so the case is similar to using a LINKTOVIEW() action.

I am missing something or Appsheet does not provide the feature.


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