One of my users is having trouble signing in using his Microsoft account

I have a user that accidentally tried to sign in using a different email account( he recently got a new PC). After doing so he could not get APPSheets to stop trying to sign in with that account (It would fail login because I do not have that email in my user list. He then deleted all cache and history from his Chrome browser and now it does allow him to switch accounts. However, It keeps saying his email is not a Microsoft account - which is most certainly is.

I am confused about how to get him logged in at this point.

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I have experienced this in the past and it’s the way Microsoft Log In works.
You can opt a yes-no at the beginning. Then, if you hit yes, Microsoft will assume you want to log in using that account from that moment.
Clear cache again (that’s the easiest way) and make sure he log in with the account that has the access to your app

He is able to click on “sign in with another account” - however it doesn’t work. He is able to use his actual email that is in my user list - which has worked for over 2 yrs until today (Due to his new computer). But today, that email states - that it is NOT a Microsoft email account? But it is an email with our company.

This email is clearly here and has NEVER been changed, but now he cannot sign in using it.

So you are a Microsoft 365 client?

My company uses Microsoft for all email

I’m worried that this might be user-related, not AppSheets’ fault nor yours.
All your users are from your company?
Are you limiting that the only auth provider is Microsoft?

This could help to make sure there are no mistakes when loggin in

I used to limit it - but I do have like 3 users out of 100 that use gmail. However, I saw what he did to login -0 he did everything correctly. Not sure why it stopped confirming his email - all of a sudden

If he uses two emails from the same provider (Microsoft), he might be trying to use your app with the other email.
Please ask him to check which email is at the bottom of the menu on an app to check the actual email being used.
BTW, this is just on a devices, right? Browser is working fine?

So, I was on a video call watching him do it - ALL looked well as he logged in. Again - He accidentally logged in using an email addres - I never added to the users. I told him to log out and log back in using the correct one. He couldn’t. So he cleared cache, and was able to try to login in using the correct email- but it would stop him and state - no Microsoft email exists with this email? We were using Chrome, which he cleared ALL cache and history. Btw - his phone link worked fine - using BOTH emails.

Did he troubleshoot using private/incognito mode?
Bcz this seems like a Microsoft problem instead of AppSheet’s

No. But we can try it.Thanks

And yes - I use Microsoft 365 all day long for my excel tables - to auto sync…

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Platinum 4

Please contact Support for help with this.

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