Ongoing Support Woes - How to find an "@" reference

So, I have been trying to reach someone in sales or support for about a month now to discuss licensing.  After the initial "We are working on it" message, I subsequently received at least one "Sorry, we are still working on it" kind of message.  Then today I received a message saying that I should contact @matzheng.  They didn't give me any other contact details.  The name doesn't seem to be registered on this forum. 

Any thoughts on how I can contact @matzheng?  I will play with email combos in the meantime.  Unbelievable!  

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Hi, I sent you the correct email via PM.

Regards, Aleksi

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Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Attn @Aleksi @devingu 

Hi, I sent you the correct email via PM.

Regards, Aleksi

Hey RedVox sorry for the delay to reply to this. Due to the holiday season, our sales team are a bit behind on resolving your inquiries. Could you please provide your ticket number so I can expedite for you? Thank you!

Thanks. I actually heard from Mat Zheng. Although I described my
situation fully (non-profit org, other low cost options) he described
standard pricing scenarios which are several magnitude beyond the realm of
consideration in our scenario.

I replied saying “hey what about the non-profit bit, can you offer special
rates?” He has not replied.

My current working theory is that AppSheet will never be a fit for my org
and so, bye-bye AppSheet!

Hey RedVox, let's chat in DM if you don't mind!

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