Open a Google-Drive location

Dear friends,

I can create an action button to open the Google Drive location for all the stored PDF-Invoices of my clients.

But I need an prominently action button to open everytime the client specific folder. The invoices are generated by automation and stored on a drive with the following path specifics:


Unfortunately I cannot use this expression to โ€œgo to a websiteโ€. Is there any concept how to open this folder or drive-path client specific (context)?

Thank you!

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Platinum 4

The problem is that the link to the folder doesnโ€™t use the folderโ€™s path, and thereโ€™s no ready way to convert a path to the ID needed for the link. You might be able to use this newer feature to find the folderโ€™s ID from a name, but Iโ€™ve not tried myself, so I have no guidance.


Hello @Steve 

Found a way to automaticly create a new folder for every article i add, and link the google drive html link, with the article.

If you interested, i explain it in my post.

Maybe it helps.

Nice greets

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