Open a page directly with URL and parameters


I am able to paste the following link on chrome to open the template app sheet application.

is there a way to open the same page with one of the fields populated via url parmeters ?  So, here is what I tried to open the same form but wanted to populate the "Task" field with the value "Test" and it didn't work.  Look at the end of the following url.  Are there ways to do this ?


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Reference LINKTOFORM() - AppSheet Help to see how deep links to prefilled forms are constructed.

Thanks dbaum for your response. However, my use case is where when I scan a QRCode, I want the appsheet open a view with values pre-populated like the Name  as an example.  What you suggested, based on my understanding is that it works from within an app.

You need to add that config inside your QR code.
You could create this QR Code easily using an AppSheet app and a Linktoform() expression as @dbaum suggested.

I use for this situations.

Also, here is a good post about deep links:
META POST: Deep Links & URL Parameters - Google Cloud Community

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