Output font size?

Iโ€™ve got my app up-and-running but would like to make one change to it if at all possible: When the PDF report arrives, the typeface defaults to Calibri and 12-point-ish size. I would like to reduce that to 9-point. All of my templates are typed up in 9-point Calibri and I assumed that that would be pulled through?

I have had a look but there does not seem to be an option to do that? Anyone with ideas or tips?

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Thanks Levent. I have checked and Calibri is not defined as a custom font, so no joy there. I should perhaps have mentioned that the templates are Word documents (inputs are Excel spreadsheets, also with nine-point Calibri) and hosted on OneDrive in case that offers any more clues, also because the link exclusively talks about Google Docs.

Either Google Docs or MS Word, the template is converted to HTML first and then parsed as a PDF doc. So I suspect the font issue might be laying there. Please read the below page if it helps and I will also chime in @Phil

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