PDF Page Break after a table - Any solution ?

Hello Everyone, 


As i am aware, a page break under a table is not an option in google docs, there was an add ons "Doc Table" before which am not able to find anymore. 

I have placed the <<End>> of the expression at the very end of the page, but it still randomly cut .

What am trying to acheive is to have every ref and it's table on a single page, the next ref should be on a new page even if there is space on the previous page. 

My template is as above: 
Page Size A4
Margins are 
0.5 top and bottom 
1 on left and right
Custom margin is turned off in the appsheet side. 


Any help would be appreciated

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Hi @Hussein_Osseily,

I had similar issues that I found very challenging to overcome.

My solution was to switch to HTML templates and employ page-break-before: always;

Here's an example of what could be used in an email body template or an attachment template or both.

<!DOCTYPE html>
.page-break-before {
page-break-before: always;

<div class="page-break-before">

Hope that helps... 😉

Thanks for sharing this , it didn't cross my mind to get it as HTML 

Ill give this a try.

Hi, You can add a emtpty table an set a minimun row height, then set the borders 0px thickness to make it invisible. Other way that I use is put all my template inside a invisible (or not) table with te  height of the page

I hope it helps you

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