PDF' not found Probable cause: N/A

I don't know where I am wrong, but I have tried many times to fix it, but this error is not getting fixed. Need your help in this. You are being shown in green line. That place is correct. But still showing error.

pdf open errorpdf open error

Below I have given you the screenshot of the Gdrive.


Below I have given the expression of the boat.

File Folder Path




File Name Prefix




Set File Link




Please help me to fix it.

Solved Solved
0 10 1,640

Make sure the spreadsheet is in the same folder


View solution in original post


Hi @Suvrutt_Gurjar 

Pls help



Make sure the spreadsheet is in the same folder


If I move the spreadsheet to this folder, then no error will appear in the appsheet.

I have moved the sheet. As you can see. In the image below. But the error is still showing.

Screenshot_20230514-191222605 (1).jpg

Yes it won't work when you move the spreadsheet like what you did, it can't read the path of the pdf.

This is how to fix this problem:

  • From your App, use edit icon to delete pdf path "PhotoVideoReport 0.pdf
  • Reaname pdf path from your drive to "PhotoVideoReport 1.pdf"  Then add the name of the path in the spreadsheet
  • Go to your app and sync the data




He has done exactly as he has told. But now another error is showing. I have moved only one sheet. Did not do the second sheet.The second sheet also has to be moved. 

Capture (1).JPG





It was supposed from the beginning that all the files and the spreadsheet would be inside one folder, and inside the folder, you can additional folders would have to be created.

I do not upload pdf but generate pdf. With the help of report sheet. 

@Izzat_Safrah wrote:

This is how to fix this problem:

  • From your App, use edit icon to delete pdf path "PhotoVideoReport 0.pdf
  • Reaname pdf path from your drive to "PhotoVideoReport 1.pdf"  Then add the name of the path in the spreadsheet
  • Go to your app and sync the data


To solve the problem, follow the same steps for all files

me sucede exactamente lo mismo y es por que hice una copia de la app entonces en la nueva carpeta apunta los datos a la carpeta principal habra forma de cuando genere el pdf me lleve la ruta donde se encuentra la hoja de calculo o definitivamente se deben mover las hojas a la carpeta

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