Phone number format

Is there a Formula for when a Contact list's phone number is added, let the column adjust the number entered to the right format?.  For example, when a phone added and enter as 8001231234, let Appsheet to fix the format to something like this, (800)123-1234

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Please try the following expression in ANOTHER column.

CONCATENATE("(", LEFT([Phone Column],3),")", MID([Phone Column], 4, 3), "-", RIGHT([Phone Column],4) )

View solution in original post


You can do so by creating a different column just for display purpose say in detail and summary views(table, deck etc) once the phone number is entered in the format 8001231234

However you may not be able to change the format in the same column where the data entry is taking place.

I am looking for a formula when a new contact is created or updated, if entered 8001231234, when saved, it's substituted in this format (800)123-1234

there's a SUBSTITUTE() expresssion, I can't figure it out how to use it

Please try the following expression in ANOTHER column.

CONCATENATE("(", LEFT([Phone Column],3),")", MID([Phone Column], 4, 3), "-", RIGHT([Phone Column],4) )

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