Pins order on maps view

I have an App that shows Car Meetings.
Via a formatting rule, meeting from today are colored orange so they are easy to spot on the map.
However.....when there are more then one meeting on a location, the today-meeting-pin is not visible becuase it is hiding behinde the  meeting-next-week pin.

Is there a way to sort the order the pins are shown?
Many views have a sort option, but not his view it seems.

0 3 172
  • UX

You could try with filtering the records using the built in filter within the search to say select filtered records for the current week, today , next two days and so on so that the user sees limited number of pins.

The table on which the map view in the example below does not have a date column. But in your case you will have a date column that you can use to filter the desired records. 





That is a user action.....this search.
I need the total overview in the app automatically display the newest pin on top please.

Okay, got it. Thank you. I suggested a workaround available.

Maybe someone else will help you with a better option. 

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