Pivot-like summaries in different views

Need: i want to track simple transactions, their result and their return. I need to monitor them on date, theme, owner and so on. Here an example of a record:

Date Owner Site Theme Investment Fee OK / KO Return
30/7/2022 Me X Y € 100,00 10,00 OK € 1.000,00

In a .xlsx file it could be easily built with a simple table and a related pivot table.

I understood that pivot table are not implementable, so as workaround I created other n sheets with the main summaries that I would have created with a pivot. The file is perfect: formulas work and errors are managed. But when I create the view on the app, some values are corrupted.

Here an example: everything is zero (and somewhere with €, somewhere with $)



Here there is an error and the values are wrong: 



Could someone help me to solve this issue?





Solved Solved
0 10 159

@andrea_moro I opened and made a copy of the file and I see this 


Have you saved the file as Google Sheet? 



I am asking just because after doing that I have built an APP and it doesn't seem to show corrupted values.

What value should I check, or what type of view, to see the corrupted values you mentioned?


View solution in original post


App design 101 - AppSheet Help

No kidding. There are a lot of things to consider before doing a workaround like yours. Just the explanation related to spreadsheet formulas is very long. Please refer to the docs

Ciao @andrea_moro 

it is hard to completely understand your problem since I also feel there is quite a good amount of information missing.

What I would do is analyze each column one by one. The first thing you need to check is how the column has been created from the spreadsheet. For instance, my impression is that your columns have been created with different default currencies, some in euros and others in dollars. So, you could start sharing the configuration of each column and the tables that feed the App.

Ideally, if you could share the spreadsheet/ tables, with no confidential data in them, we might find a way to help you (you can change also the column names if you feel more comfortable).

Spero ti serva di aiuto.


I confirm the "currency topic", I fixed it. It is strange because I've never worked with $ in spreadsheet, but this was it 🙂

About that, each price column inside AppSheet has an option to configure the currency shown in the app.
Rememer to forget about how good data looks on your spreadsheet, it's way more important the AppSheet config

Spreadsheet here 

Hi guys, above you find the spreadsheet. I put the first sheet as a simple legend, but the substance is: one DB (Scommesse), many aggregation views to monitor the evolution (the other sheets).

Really thanks @franc @SkrOYC 

@andrea_moro I opened and made a copy of the file and I see this 


Have you saved the file as Google Sheet? 



I am asking just because after doing that I have built an APP and it doesn't seem to show corrupted values.

What value should I check, or what type of view, to see the corrupted values you mentioned?



this is a screenshotfranc_2-1661613480206.png

Oh, I save it as Google Sheet, nothing is changed. 

Sommesse View is the only view that works good, I put also actions and they work. If you add a view on an "aggregation sheet" (eg: Tipster), it does not work: 



Here the view: 



Currency is not configured in the UX, it's part of the column config

Guys, I took it with philosophy: I threw everything away and started from the beginning on the Google Sheet file (no longer xslx). Everything works great.

Thank you to the tips and the time you spent with me!

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