Possible to build an Uber like app


I am very very interested in building an Uber like app and I want to know if it would be possible to build one that would allow a consumer to be matched with a seller by inputting in what they are looking for in the “to:” field. It would be nice to have live GPS tracking, if only to simplify the app, but I would only need both users to appear accurately on the map once as opposed to consistently over time. I would also need for the price offered by the seller to appear after the matching happened. Also, if there is a better place for me to post this, please let me know.

Thank you!!

0 9 333

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Not possible with AppSheet.

Which is why I said “nice” and not “needed” ofc

Is it possible to limit how many users you can have using your app so that only a certain number can use it and you’re charged only that many times?

Hi @nocodebuilder

You can specify a white list: depending on your purpose, you can use this:

Otherwise, it’s not possible to set a limit of “number” of users.

For volume price, you may want to contact Sales:

And specifying a “white list” would literally mean enabling myself the ability to email the app to a certain person so that person could download the app? Just need to clarify this.

Here is the classic email you receive when being added to a whitelist:
Please note in this case, I was added as a co-author.

Yes!! Really hoping this is going to be the solution for me. Thank you SO much!!

For reference, I suggest you read this if you didn’t yet:

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