Prevent appsheet from creating the reocrd once user press the button"No"

Hi, I’m trying to create a pop-up message for the user to confirm their order once they have clicked “save”. This is how the pop-up message will look like once they have clicked on “save”.

The issue that I’m facing right now is that the app will still record the data if the user:

  1. Click the button “NO”
  2. If the user did not click on anything

May I know if there’s a way to prevent this from happening ?

0 6 516

You can’t use confirmation messages like that, it will always save the form.

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

I think the way you’d have to approach this is to have another table for pending orders. New orders would be saved in this pending-orders table, the Form Saved event action would perform a grouped action that would get the confirmation from the user, copy the pending order to the confirmed-orders table, and delete the pending order.

In addition to suggestion from steve, you can just toggle one physical column to show/hide the confirmed orders.

Set a new physical column, name it like ConfirmationStatus, and then set inital value to “Pending”.
Then you create action to toggle this value to “Confirmed”.
For this action, set the any confirmation message you want to present.

Then set and fire this action upon saving the form.

For the view you want to present to app user to show only confirmed order, then you create slice out of this table.
On the confirmation, when the user select NO, then nothing happens, but the Status remain Pending, so it wont be visible to app users, unless you make another slice to show rows with value of Pending and create view out of it.

To cancel the confirmation and back to the form in process, just hit the cross icon at the top right corner of confirmation window.

This is another workaround.

It looks like this at the end overall.

I note that this question was posted in 2020 - have there been any advancements made on this function?


The workaround above is a good one but I am hoping there is another way to display a pop up/confirmation message on a form and only saving/creating the entry once the user clicks OK in the confirmation message.

Any help or alternative solutions would be great.

No change.

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