Prevent data being deleted from Ref Columns

Hello Community! I have a huge issue that I have no idea how to correct or put back. Hope you can have some input!

I have an app that monitors clients and their records. With each client record, I have a separate Ref Column for Client Notes. Previously we were able to delete client records but the data of the Client Notes Ref Column wouldn't delete and would still be available when we accessed old notes. For example below:

Existing Data.JPG As you can see, the bold-lettered Clients still have an existing record, but the non-bold-lettered Clients no longer have a record, but their notes are still available for access. This is extremely useful since the record is no longer of use, but the notes have everything we need. 

Recently I updated a few things and I'm not sure what went wrong! Client Notes were previously set for only Updates and Adds, and now we try to delete a Client Record just like before it gives us an error that "Client Notes Table" does not allow this change and the app doesn't sync changes anymore until the issue is resolved. 

I tried turning the 'Deletes' on for the Client Note Table and all the notes were deleted along with the Client Record! 

Any advice to separate the two? Much appreciated as this has caused clutter and app crashes frequently. 


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You might have accidentally turned ON the is part of option. Uncheck that box. 

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