Problem Condition IF

In my form I have a problem in 3 fields Start Date, End Date and Request Status. 
In the Start Date and End Date fields, there are the following formulas:
Initial Value formula for column Start Date (Date) IF([Request Status] = In Progress, TODAY(), "") Initial Value formula for column Data Termination (Date) IF([Request Status] = Delivered, TODAY(), "")
The Start Date and End Date fields depend on the current state of the Request Status field.
The Request Status field is of type Enum and contains the following values: โ€œIn Progressโ€, โ€œDeliveredโ€, โ€œTo Deliverโ€.
Problem: When changing the Request Status field to โ€œDeliveredโ€ if the Start Date is filled in,
the value contained in this field is deleted. The same happens when changing
the Request Status field to โ€œIn Progressโ€, the value contained in the
โ€œTerminoโ€ field is deleted. It also occurs when changing the
Request Status field to โ€œTo Deliverโ€ values โ€‹โ€‹contained in the Start Date and End Date fields are deleted. I need that once the value entered in the Start Date and End Date fields is no longer changed


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In my form I have a problem in 3 fields Start Date, End Date and Request Status.
In the Start Data and Term Data fields, there are the following formulas:

Starting value formula for a starting data column (date)
IF([Request Status] = In Progress, TODAY(), "")
Initial value formula for a Data Term (Data) column
IF([Request Status] = Delivered, TODAY(), "")

The Start Date and End Date fields of the Request Status field's current state.
The Request Status field is of type Enum and contains the following values: โ€œIn Progressโ€, โ€œDeliveredโ€, โ€œTo Deliverโ€.

No Reset field in built-in edit

Allows you to edit the Start and End Date fields by the Request Date field only on the first form insertion.
In case of updating the form in the Start Date and End Date fields, it is necessary to edit them manually.
How do I make this edit automatically continue on the Request Date field?

View solution in original post


Sounds like you're using ResetOnEdit, right? You can write an expression to only reset under certain circumstances, like if the column ISBLANK().

Yes I am using ResetOnEdit.

Could you detail what this expression would look like with ISBLANK()?

Probably just ISBLANK( [_THIS] ) would work.

I changed the formula in the fields as per your suggestion 

Initial Value formula for column Start Date (Date)
IF(ISBLANK([Status da Solicitacao]) = Em Andamento, TODAY(), "")

Initial Value formula for column Data Termination (Date)
IF(ISBLANK([Status da Solicitacao]) = Entregue, TODAY(), "")

the fields remained blank. What did I do wrong?


Oh, no, your original Initial Values expressions were fine. The ISBLANK( [_THIS] ) is to put in as an expression for the ResetOnEdit. Just like a SHOW? or EDIT? toggle, you can also put an expression into it from the flask icon.

Marc, a doubt. The form allows editing the Start Date and End Date fields by the Request Date field only in the first insert of the form.
If you need an update on the form in the Start Date and End Date fields, it is necessary to edit them manually. How do I make this edit continue automatically?
through the Request Date field?

Sorry, I don't understand any of that last message.

Following your previous email request to insert ISBLANK( [_THIS] ) is to put in as an expression for the ResetOnEdit, The form allows editing the Start Date and End Date fields by the Request Date field only in the first insert of the form .
If you need an update on the form in the Start Date and End Date fields, it is necessary to edit them manually. How do I make this edit continue automatically?
through the Request Date field?

Copying and pasting the same thing, that I didn't understand in the first place, doesn't help. I have no idea what "by the Request Date field" means, and I don't know what you're asking.

In my form I have a problem in 3 fields Start Date, End Date and Request Status.
In the Start Data and Term Data fields, there are the following formulas:

Starting value formula for a starting data column (date)
IF([Request Status] = In Progress, TODAY(), "")
Initial value formula for a Data Term (Data) column
IF([Request Status] = Delivered, TODAY(), "")

The Start Date and End Date fields of the Request Status field's current state.
The Request Status field is of type Enum and contains the following values: โ€œIn Progressโ€, โ€œDeliveredโ€, โ€œTo Deliverโ€.

No Reset field in built-in edit

Allows you to edit the Start and End Date fields by the Request Date field only on the first form insertion.
In case of updating the form in the Start Date and End Date fields, it is necessary to edit them manually.
How do I make this edit automatically continue on the Request Date field?

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