Problem ussing Excel Table source

Hi group. At first, Im sorry for the size of this post, but I want explain the trouble as better as I can.

I want to use a simple Excel workbook to start to know how work with them.
This Workbook has an only one sheet “Hoja 1”

If I start the app by select " Start with your own data"

The table is added without any problem.

But, If I add the table ussing the new table button

then Collection of files

And select the excel file

and Then Create table

I get any errors messages

What I am making wrong ???


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You shouldn’t be using “document processing”/“collection of files” for adding a normal Table. You can read about what “document processing” is here:

Thanks a lot Marc_Dillon !!!
I did not understand about “documents on Google Drive” before.

I must use “Sheets on Google drive”…thanks

I’m so sorry !. I’m starting with this…

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