Problem with date formats

Hi huys! Something is driving me crazy. For the tables I am using appsheets (as oposed to google sheets). My OS( Windows 11) and my browser (Crhome) are configured for DD/MM/YYYY format. For data configuration in the app, table settings has location configured to Spain.

The actual app running shows DD/MM/YYYY both in my phone and computer, but the appsheet is still showing MM/DD/YYYY and that is causing me problems when I want to use DATE formulas. 

Is it possible it's a bug? Any other configuration I am missing?



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When using Chrome, your language selection Spain needs to be on the top of that list. If it's not, drag and drop it.

Hi @AleksiAlkio , It is on top. I also tried Firefox and even a different laptop. It is a brain teaser.

What do you actually mean with "the actual app running" and "appsheet is still showing"?

By actual app running I mean the app running on my phone and the preview app on the right side of Appsheet page. There the format is DD/MM/YYYY

By appsheet still showing I mean that when I go to "open data source" and I can see the tables, They are not Google Sheets, but something similar that I call appsheet, and in those tables the format is MM/DD/YYYY

Are you able to take a printscreen from the "open data source"?

Hi @AleksiAlkio . Attaching both de data source and the app preview. app preview.jpgData Sheet.jpg

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