Problem with points on a map

I have a problem with an address in my app. I have a virtual field that is set to type:address that combines the street name with the city state and zip. The final product looks like this;


The blurred out part is the city, State, Zip. i.e 29380 Calle De Caballos, Fake CA, 90001

When I click the pin on the right side side it pulls up the map but it looks like this;


I want to show just the one point and not all of them, I am wondering if my address format is not correct? Any ideas would be a great help.


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  • UX

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

How are you getting to the map view?

The map view shown in the row's detail view should include only the address in that Address column, unless you've configured the view to show more.

My code to combine all the fields into one looks like this

[Residence Address]& "," & " " &[City]& " " & [State1] & "," & " " & [Zip code]

if there something I should do to show just for that ID?

Doesn't address my response at all...

Please post a screenshot of the entire app screen that shows the unwanted map display.

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