Process running regardless of conditional event

I have a bot running on event change with adds or deletes. The event also has an optional condition:

IF(AND([_THISROW_BEFORE].[Session Reminder] <> [_THISROW_AFTER].[Session Reminder], [Start DateTime]>=NOW()), True, False)

From that I have a branch on condition process dependent on [Date]=TODAY() to run a send an SMS task.

Now, for some reason, the SMS are being sent regardless of the event change condition which should only trigger if a value change in [Session Reminder]

Does anyone see an error in my workflow here?


0 3 171

Not sure but it may be because Iโ€™ve not added ISNOTBLANK([Session Reminder] into my event conditional rule.

Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

Hi @Ben_Rix

Some remarks:

The below condition seems, in my opinion, contradictory with the previous one:

This can only occurs with updates.

You may also want to simplify your expression:

into (without the IF(), which is redundant here):

  [_THISROW_BEFORE].[Session Reminder] <> [_THISROW_AFTER].[Session Reminder],
  [Start DateTime]>=NOW()

About that:

What happens if you click on the โ€œTestโ€ button of your bot and try step by step to execute your bot ?
Similarly, did you check the Monitor ?

Thanks so much for your help, yes you were right, it should have been updates only and I am just working on simplifying my expressions. I also needed ISNOTBLANK added to the expression.

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