Prompting message show if criteria does not work when the targeted column has suggested value

I have a Text message displaying on the form when a selected course has reached it's capacity.

The selected course column is refering the course database which stores course Name and Term & whether it has available spot or not.

It's working as intended when there's no suggested values.

The problem is,

when I limit the suggested value of the selected course to Term 4 in the database, the text message prompting won't work properly. It's just keep displaying itself no matter what I choose in the selected course.

My guess it that the suggested value works as prefilled data disregarding the selected course is a single-selection value. Here's the formula that I put in the show if part of the Text message.



Can anybody point me a way that I could have my suggested value set-up and this prompting message working at the same time?

Thank you for your time.

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I have this working now!

Thank you for the idea @jyothis_m .

I changed the suggested value in the Course_Selection column to make sure that they yeild the ID of the course not other parts of the Course database. And then the Capacity Text is working properly now!

View solution in original post


Hi @Violet  Can you try just entering this in show-if without using AND and ISNOTBLANK()

[_ThisRow].[Course_Selection].[Available Spots] = 0

Oddly, with this expression, the Text message is showing on the Form no matter what I select or nothing was selected. Unfortunately, it's not working as intended and I don't know why. Cuz apparently your logic is fine.

Can you try testing the expression as see the results in the editor. Pls post a screenshot if possible


Please check the screenshot. The second one is the form status after the change is saved.

Pls click the TEST in the expression editor

Also you can make use of SHOW Type Virtual Column for displaying text inside FORM Column data types - AppSheet Help



I have this working now!

Thank you for the idea @jyothis_m .

I changed the suggested value in the Course_Selection column to make sure that they yeild the ID of the course not other parts of the Course database. And then the Capacity Text is working properly now!

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