Publisher Pro Vs AppSheet Core sharing the same Data Source

Hi Guys,

I have a Publisher Pro App (Public App) and an AppSheet Core App (Private App), obviously in different accounts but using the same data sources which resides in the AppSheet Core account. This data source has a shared Users table that both apps can Add to. I am still beta testing at the moment but I have just noticed that if a user is added from the Private App (i.e. new line of data on the Users table) it seems that the Public App doesn't know that user has been added and over writes that line of data when a new user is added from the Public App. Have I missed a fundamental flow in my design by using a shared table that both Apps can add to?! @Aleksi 

Many thanks in advance


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Hello again Marc. That has worked, thank you. I need to fully test everything to make sure it hasn't caused other problems but it's looking promising.

Cheers, Richard

View solution in original post


There's a specfic order of operations to many things in AppSheet, this is one of them.  

The flow must be as follows:

  1. Create/Update record in app 1
  2. Save and wait for sync to complete
  3. Open app 2 and sync the app
  4. The new data will be there; if not, you need to sync again.

I think you have an issue with how you have your key defined for that table. How is that?

Hi Marc,

Yes that could be the answer because the Key column on the users table for the Public App is different to that on the Private App . Is this possibly the problem?

Hello again Marc. That has worked, thank you. I need to fully test everything to make sure it hasn't caused other problems but it's looking promising.

Cheers, Richard

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