Pushing data to multiple rows



I have a store list that uses a store ID. There are some stores that have multiple locations and are classified as key accounts that uses a key account ID. I'm trying to make it so when a key account form is filled out, the data is pushed to the applicable rows (stores) that have the key account ID. There are 3 tables for this instance:

Key Account table that lists all key accounts and their IDs

A Stores table that uses a lookup by store name to the Key Account table to fetch the applicable key account ID

and finally a Key Account Notes table that is used for the data capture in the form. 

I've tried to ref the form by the key account ID but it's not adjusting the data to each store and shows and entire list of all entries. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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I'm not 100 percent sure what you're trying to achieve but I suspect this might help.

Look into Looping with Actions 


https://m.youtube.com โ€บ watch
Looping with Actions (Do-While & For Loops in AppSheet) | BUILD VIDEO


Look into using a reference action with INPUT()

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