QR code printed on invoice linked to that invoice

Hello friends

I want to get a QR code printed on the invoice PDF so that when it is scanned by the customer it opens the same invoice in the customer's phone.

Thanks in advance!

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You mean the detail view of the invoice within Appsheet? Use LINKTOROW() to generate the URL, build a URL to to a qr code generating service (like barcode tec it), with the 1st URL as the content, and stick that final URL into an Image column.

This could be a way to do it. but i wanted the non users to see the invoice pdf file from my app folder.

but i wanted the non users to see the invoice pdf file from my app folder.

What does that mean, and how does my suggestion not meet that requirement?


Sorry Marc my bad.

I am just a beginner and not able to generate a url for my pdf invoice file. a further step would be to print a qR code on the invoice hard copy itself which will take the user to the pdf.

I do not know how linktorow() will work in my scenario.

thanks for being helpful

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